PRESS PICKS: Football season to stay the course, or else

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Are we going to do this? Or, aren’t we?

You remember that question being used in a hundred different ways. If you are (were) married, you heard it a thousand times.

It’s a moment of definity, exactness, time to fish or cut bait.

Make your move and don’t look back.

With the college football season hanging in the balance, it’s time, once again, to ask the question…

Are we? Will we?

There will never be another chance like the present. Stop any contention and make a plan.

Get the college football season completed.

It’s what the world leaders had to do during WWII. You either fight or surrender. In 1943, there were thoughts in Europe that the Germans had won. Britain was on the brink. America was spread thin across the globe. Russia was under siege. It took the conviction and courage of men like Roosevelt, Churchill and yes, even Stalin to find the right response to Germany’s plague.

Not to turn this into a history lesson but we did win, right? But it took a certain boldness to do it. Maybe a little luck and poor decisions by the enemy.

No, finishing the college football season isn’t quite that big. But it has plenty of implications.

Greg Sankey knows this and seems to be in charge of the free football world right now. All eyes are on the SEC since the league was the one to step out and say –before all the others – we are going to play.

There are attacks and plenty of naysayers calling on college football to stand down. The latest round of coronavirus is taking a whack at the schedule.

But time is on the side of completion. As Sankey stated in a teleconference on Wednesday, there are markers set for completion – Dec. 19 for the SEC Championship; Jan. 1 for the CFP Playoffs; Jan. 11 for the championship. Those are still reachable.

So get to it. Find a way to make it work. Redo the schedule if you must. Cancel a few games if necessary.

Just get it done.

Doug Amos is the leader once again and with a bigger advantage after last week, thanks to the nosedive by Graham Dunn. Tim Gayle maintains third.



2020 Standings (Last Week) 

1. Doug Amos  123-45 (10-4) .732

2. Graham Dunn  116-52 (6-8) .691

3. Tim Gayle  114-54 (8-6) .676

4. Rick Hendrick  112-56 (10-4) .667

5. Michael Butler  110-58 (6-8) .655

    Barry McKnight  110-58 (8-6) .655

6. Mike Peacock  108-60 (7-7) .643

8. Darrell Puckett 105-63 (9-5) .625


Doug Amos (ESPN The Ticket & Troy Trojans Network)  
123-45 (10-4) .732

Saraland at Lee – Saraland

Pike Road at UMS-Wright – Pike Road

Jacksonville at Alabama Christian –  ACA

Montgomery Academy at Pike County -  Montgomery Aca

Trinity at Slocomb - Trinity

Coastal Carolina at Troy - Troy

Arkansas at Florida – Florida

South Carolina at Ole Miss - Ole Miss

Miami, Fla. at Va Tech – Miami

Notre Dame at Boston College – Notre Dame

Purdue at Northwestern – Northwestern

Indiana at Michigan St – Michigan St

Wisconsin at Michigan - Michigan

TCU at West Virginia – West Virginia

Oregon at Washington St - Oregon



Graham Dunn (River Region Sports)
116-52 (6-8) .691

Saraland at Lee – Saraland

Pike Road at UMS-Wright – Pike Road

Jacksonville at Alabama Christian –  ACA

Montgomery Academy at Pike County -  Montgomery Aca

Trinity at Slocomb - Trinity

Coastal Carolina at Troy – Coastal Carolina

Arkansas at Florida – Florida

South Carolina at Ole Miss – Ole Miss

Miami, Fla. at Va Tech – Va Tech

Notre Dame at Boston College – Notre Dame

Purdue at Northwestern – Northwestern

Indiana at Michigan St – Indiana

Wisconsin at Michigan - Wisconsin

TCU at West Virginia – West Virginia

Oregon at Washington St - Oregon



Tim Gayle (River Region Sports & Montgomery Independent)
114-54 (8-6) .676

Saraland at Lee – Saraland

Pike Road at UMS-Wright – Pike Road

Jacksonville at Alabama Christian –  Jacksonville

Montgomery Academy at Pike County -  Montgomery Aca

Trinity at Slocomb - Trinity

Coastal Carolina at Troy – Coastal Carolina

Arkansas at Florida – Florida

South Carolina at Ole Miss – Ole Miss

Miami, Fla. at Va Tech – Va Tech

Notre Dame at Boston College – Notre Dame

Purdue at Northwestern – Northwestern

Indiana at Michigan St – Indiana

Wisconsin at Michigan - Michigan

TCU at West Virginia – West Virginia

Oregon at Washington St - Oregon




Rick Hendrick (WXFS 95.1 The Fox/PA of Montgomery Biscuits)
112-56 (10-4) .667

Saraland at Lee – Saraland

Pike Road at UMS-Wright – Pike Road

Jacksonville at Alabama Christian –  ACA

Montgomery Academy at Pike County -  Montgomery Aca

Trinity at Slocomb - Slocomb

Coastal Carolina at Troy – Coastal Carolina

Arkansas at Florida – Florida

South Carolina at Ole Miss – Ole Miss

Miami, Fla. at Va Tech – Miami

Notre Dame at Boston College – Notre Dame

Purdue at Northwestern – Purdue

Indiana at Michigan St – Indiana

Wisconsin at Michigan - Michigan

TCU at West Virginia – West Virginia

Oregon at Washington St - Oregon




Barry McKnight (SportsRadio 740 /Voice of Troy Trojans)
110-58 (8-6) .655

Saraland at Lee – Saraland

Pike Road at UMS-Wright – UMS Wright

Jacksonville at Alabama Christian –  ACA

Montgomery Academy at Pike County -  Pike County

Trinity at Slocomb - Trinity

Coastal Carolina at Troy – Troy

Arkansas at Florida – Florida

South Carolina at Ole Miss – Ole Miss

Miami, Fla. at Va Tech – Miami

Notre Dame at Boston College – Notre Dame

Purdue at Northwestern – Northwestern

Indiana at Michigan St – Indiana

Wisconsin at Michigan - Michigan

TCU at West Virginia – West Virginia

Oregon at Washington St - Oregon




Michael Butler (WTLS 106.5 FM/1300 AM & Tallassee Times)  
110-58 (6-8) .655

Saraland at Lee – Lee

Pike Road at UMS-Wright – Pike Road

Jacksonville at Alabama Christian –  Jacksonville

Montgomery Academy at Pike County -  Montgomery Aca

Trinity at Slocomb - Trinity

Coastal Carolina at Troy – Coastal Carolina

Arkansas at Florida – Florida

South Carolina at Ole Miss – Ole Miss

Miami, Fla. at Va Tech – Miami

Notre Dame at Boston College – Notre Dame

Purdue at Northwestern – Northwestern

Indiana at Michigan St – Indiana

Wisconsin at Michigan - Wisconsin

TCU at West Virginia – West Virginia

Oregon at Washington St - Oregon



Mike Peacock (River Region Sports)
108-60 (7-7) .643

Saraland at Lee – Saraland

Pike Road at UMS-Wright – Pike Road

Jacksonville at Alabama Christian –  ACA

Montgomery Academy at Pike County -  Montgomery Aca

Trinity at Slocomb - Trinity

Coastal Carolina at Troy – Coastal Carolina

Arkansas at Florida – Florida

South Carolina at Ole Miss – Ole Miss

Miami, Fla. at Va Tech – Miami

Notre Dame at Boston College – Notre Dame

Purdue at Northwestern – Purdue

Indiana at Michigan St – Indiana

Wisconsin at Michigan - Wisconsin

TCU at West Virginia – West Virginia

Oregon at Washington St - Oregon



Darrell Puckett (formerly of WAKA CH 8/Alabama News Network)  
105-63 (9-5) .625

Saraland at Lee – Saraland

Pike Road at UMS-Wright – UMS Wright

Jacksonville at Alabama Christian –  ACA

Montgomery Academy at Pike County -  Montgomery Aca

Trinity at Slocomb - Trinity

Coastal Carolina at Troy – Coastal Carolina

Arkansas at Florida – Florida

South Carolina at Ole Miss – South Carolina

Miami, Fla. at Va Tech – Miami

Notre Dame at Boston College – Notre Dame

Purdue at Northwestern – Northwestern

Indiana at Michigan St – Indiana

Wisconsin at Michigan - Wisconsin

TCU at West Virginia – West Virginia

Oregon at Washington St - Oregon