PRESS PICKS: Give thanks for football this weekend

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Can it be possible for a normal Thanksgiving weekend when it seems as though all hell has broken loose?
Of course.

Thanks to the opportunity to enjoy our favorite things – family, food and football – there is plenty of opportunity to have a great time during these days of consternation.

It certainly helps for those of us who do this for a living to have great stories and the game Friday night between Montgomery Academy and Montgomery Catholic certainly qualifies as one of the best in quite a while.

The two teams were expected to have solid seasons but expectations may have been somewhat tempered just based on history alone.

Yet, here they are ready to battle for the right to play in next week’s Super 7. It’s a wonderful thought that one of these might bring home a championship trophy next Thursday.

Of course, the annual Iron Bowl also brings a lot of austerity to the mix this time of year. But thank God we have this game in a year of grimness. It will do all of us good to worry about something else other than a virus that has spent most of the year bringing a halt to normalcy.

We can all be thankful for the blessings of life. Football is one of those, especially this year.

Doug Amos is still on top of the panel. This week’s picks include just 12 games due to more cancellations/postponements of games.

Happy Thanksgiving!



2020 Standings (Last Week) 

1. Doug Amos  144-53 (10-5) .731

2. Graham Dunn  138-59 (10-5) .701

3. Tim Gayle  135-62 (11-4) .685

4. Michael Butler  134-63 (13-2) .685

5. Rick Hendrick  132-65 (10-5) .670

    Barry McKnight  132-65 (10-5) .670

7. Mike Peacock  130-67 (10-5) .660

8. Darrell Puckett 128-69 (9-6) .650


Doug Amos (ESPN The Ticket & Troy Trojans Network)  
144-53 (10-5) .731

Catholic at Montgomery Academy –  MA

Brantley at Linden – Linden

Auburn at Alabama –  Alabama

Troy at Appalachian St - Troy

Miss St at Ole Miss – Ole Miss

Kentucky at Florida - Florida

LSU at Texas A&M – Texas A&M

Georgia at South Carolina – Georgia

Iowa St at Texas (Fri.) –  Texas

Notre Dame at North Carolina (Fri.) – Notre Dame

Maryland at Indiana - Indiana

Penn St at Michigan - Michigan




Graham Dunn (River Region Sports)
144-53 (10-5) .731

Catholic at Montgomery Academy –  MA

Brantley at Linden – Brantley

Auburn at Alabama –  Alabama

Troy at Appalachian St – App St

Miss St at Ole Miss – Ole Miss

Kentucky at Florida - Florida

LSU at Texas A&M – Texas A&M

Georgia at South Carolina – Georgia

Iowa St at Texas (Fri.) –  Iowa St

Notre Dame at North Carolina (Fri.) – Notre Dame

Maryland at Indiana - Indiana

Penn St at Michigan – Penn St




Tim Gayle (River Region Sports & Montgomery Independent)
135-62 (11-4) .685

Catholic at Montgomery Academy –  Catholic

Brantley at Linden – Linden

Auburn at Alabama –  Alabama

Troy at Appalachian St – App St

Miss St at Ole Miss – Ole Miss

Kentucky at Florida - Florida

LSU at Texas A&M – Texas A&M

Georgia at South Carolina – Georgia

Iowa St at Texas (Fri.) –  Texas

Notre Dame at North Carolina (Fri.) – Notre Dame

Maryland at Indiana - Indiana

Penn St at Michigan – Michigan

Michael Butler (WTLS 106.5 FM/1300 AM & Tallassee Times)  
134-63 (13-2) .685

Catholic at Montgomery Academy –  MA

Brantley at Linden – Linden

Auburn at Alabama –  Alabama

Troy at Appalachian St – App St

Miss St at Ole Miss – Ole Miss

Kentucky at Florida - Florida

LSU at Texas A&M – Texas A&M

Georgia at South Carolina – Georgia

Iowa St at Texas (Fri.) –  Iowa St

Notre Dame at North Carolina (Fri.) – North Carolina

Maryland at Indiana - Indiana

Penn St at Michigan – Penn St




Rick Hendrick (WXFS 95.1 The Fox/PA of Montgomery Biscuits)
132-65 (10-5) .670

Catholic at Montgomery Academy –  Catholic

Brantley at Linden – Linden

Auburn at Alabama –  Alabama

Troy at Appalachian St – App St

Miss St at Ole Miss – Ole Miss

Kentucky at Florida - Florida

LSU at Texas A&M – Texas A&M

Georgia at South Carolina – Georgia

Iowa St at Texas (Fri.) –  Texas

Notre Dame at North Carolina (Fri.) – North Carolina

Maryland at Indiana - Maryland

Penn St at Michigan – Penn St



Barry McKnight (SportsRadio 740 /Voice of Troy Trojans)
132-65 (10-5) .670

Catholic at Montgomery Academy –  MA

Brantley at Linden – Linden

Auburn at Alabama –  Alabama

Troy at Appalachian St – Troy

Miss St at Ole Miss – Ole Miss

Kentucky at Florida - Florida

LSU at Texas A&M – Texas A&M

Georgia at South Carolina – Georgia

Iowa St at Texas (Fri.) –  Texas

Notre Dame at North Carolina (Fri.) – North Carolina

Maryland at Indiana - Indiana

Penn St at Michigan – Penn St





Mike Peacock (River Region Sports)
130-67 (10-5) .660

Catholic at Montgomery Academy –  MA

Brantley at Linden – Brantley

Auburn at Alabama –  Alabama

Troy at Appalachian St – Troy

Miss St at Ole Miss – Ole Miss

Kentucky at Florida - Florida

LSU at Texas A&M – Texas A&M

Georgia at South Carolina – Georgia

Iowa St at Texas (Fri.) –  Iowa St

Notre Dame at North Carolina (Fri.) – Notre Dame

Maryland at Indiana - Indiana

Penn St at Michigan – Penn St




Darrell Puckett (formerly of WAKA CH 8/Alabama News Network)  
128-69 (9-6) .650

Catholic at Montgomery Academy –  Catholic

Brantley at Linden – Linden

Auburn at Alabama –  Alabama

Troy at Appalachian St – App St

Miss St at Ole Miss – Ole Miss

Kentucky at Florida - Florida

LSU at Texas A&M – Texas A&M

Georgia at South Carolina – Georgia

Iowa St at Texas (Fri.) –  Iowa St

Notre Dame at North Carolina (Fri.) – Notre Dame

Maryland at Indiana - Maryland

Penn St at Michigan – Michigan